Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Retelling Stories

Since January, we have been working on retelling stories. We have focused on characters, setting, sequencing, parts of the story (beginning, middle and end) and of course retelling a familiar story. It has been so fun to watch different students retell stories in their own words.

We've spent about two weeks on each story. For each story we culminated our activities by having the students act it out. For each story we used different props (masks, stick puppets, toys, etc.). Then of course for each story the students made " props" to take home so they could retell the story on their own.

Once they retold each story the props were put in the reading area for students to use. They have used the wooden "stage" to put on shows for their friends.

Here are the students retelling The 3 Little Pigs using stick puppets and recycled milk cartons.

 This is how our reading area is set up right now.  The house was used for retelling Goldilocks and the 3 Bears... It has figurines and furniture that the students have been using to retell the story. Our puppet stage is also in the reading area.

Each set of props are in a plastic bag with the book. Students have done a good job looking back in the story while their friends use the props to retell.

Next week we will continue retelling by reading Little Red Riding Hood.

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