Friday, October 2, 2015

Learning Centers

This week the students not only worked in their play based centers but also participated in learning centers.  Each day they worked in one math and one phonics center.

Our math centers focused on numbers 0-5.
In this center students used number lines to count links, find missing numbers and put numbers in order.

In this center students worked on number formation by using play-dough, gems and dry erase markers.

In this center students worked on sorting by putting numbers and pictures in groups and used clips to complete a counting wheel.

In this center students practiced counting using beads, buttons and corks.  They also used sticks to show different amounts.

In this center students worked with my co-teacher to make number models. First they chose a number and made it with pipe cleaners. Then they drew that amount, wrote the number word and used dots to show it in a five frame.

Our phonics centers focused on letter recognition.  In this center students used rice bags to find the hidden letters. They also matched the letters with magnets.

In this center students used sand-paint to trace their uppercase letters. Then the letters were cut into cards and sent home.

In this center students used play-dough to practice letter formation.

In this center my co-teacher played a popcorn game with the students. Students would pull out a letter from the basket then everyone would "butter" that letter on their paper.

Finally I worked with the students in the last center. They used oil pastels to write their name and add it to our word wall. Then they used name/picture cards and dry erase markers to practice writing their classmate's names.

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