Saturday, October 10, 2015

Making Changes to Suit Our Needs

This week I moved some of our center areas and made some changes to the way our furniture is arranged. While Ms. West is teaching phonics I pull out about 13 students so I need a larger space to work with them. This caused for some rearranging!
Science Area- we now have two tables... We have also put in fall items and lots of books about leaves.

Math Area- we added another coffee table and changed out our materials.  The activities in this area are all number sense and everything we practiced in our centers a few weeks ago.

 Sensory Area- still in the same spot. We are trying to decide what to change the materials inside to...
 Play-Dough Area- we have transitioned to clay!

 Art Area- the easels were moved to the center of the room. The students are using the paint they made a few weeks ago. They are loving using our new brushes and big paper.

 Home Living Area- it is a little larger now and we have added small clipboards, chef's hats and babies!

 Loose Parts Area- this area used to be off to the side of the room... For some reason it didn't function well. Now it is in the middle of the room and the kids are using it more efficiently.

 Building Area- the students have expressed some interest in structures so they have really gotten into planning and building.

 Writing Area- we switched from two small tables to one larger table. We also added the chalk board because the students wanted to play "school" and practice their letters.
 Reading Area- still in the same spot but we have added our class book creations so that students have been excited to read them.

 Intervention Area- this us where one teacher does pull out while the other teacher works with the whole group.
Our new spaces seem to be working out quite nicely!

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